Sunday, January 5, 2020

Terrorism, Assassination, and Genocide

I am so confused and every time I listen to the news, I get more confused. The US accuses Iran of state-supported terrorism, and the US president reacts with state assassination of an Iranian general. How is this going to result in peace? Hasn’t it been enough to starve the people of Iran through sanctions? Can we stop this escalation and bring it back from the brink of war? The US president had already sanctioned genocide of the Kurds and enabled the Turks to start the process when he pulled out of helping and protecting the Kurds in northern Syria. Now he authorizes assassination. Isn’t it time that Americans say enough? Trump Republicans are not Americans. Those in Congress are not living up to their oath of office and should be removed. We have a chance to do that later this year. I hope we have the courage to do just that. This all makes my stomach churn and gives me a migraine, but it must be faced directly or we lose our system of government.

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