Why do Americans speak so loudly? Several years ago, we
visited Munich, Germany. The popular Hofbrauhaus was so noisy that you could
not hear the person sitting next to you. Most of the people there were
Americans. We went to Schneider Brauhaus, which is only a couple of blocks
away. It was packed and most of the people were Germans. Even with the Brauhaus
completely full, you could talk in a normal conversational tone. The beer and
food were outstanding. I highly recommend it if you are ever in Munich. The
thing that started this line of thought was was that one of my colleagues was
down the hall and down a flight of stairs. He talks so loudly that I can hear
him like he was sitting in my office, even though I closed the door. Not all
Americans talk as loud as he does, but many do. When two or three get together,
it is like a shouting match. I think part of the problem is that they don’t
listen, only talk and talk as if it is a competition. Loudness persuades others
of their viewpoint. It is hard to convince anyone when you don’t listen, think,
and try to understand their position. This sounds very much like politics in
the USA today.
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