Sunday, January 12, 2020

A very sad week

This week the US administration assassinated an Iranian general. Then the Iranian government retaliated by shooting missiles at bases in Iraq where there were both Iraqi and US soldiers. This raised the threat level in both countries. Then there was a horrible mistake. A commercial passenger airplane was seen incorrectly as a threat to Iran, missiles were fired, and the plane was destroyed, killing 176 people. This sequence of events was started by the US president authorizing the general’s assassination. The US president claims the killing of the general was because he was an imminent threat. However, he has refused to provide congress with any evidence of the danger to which he was reacting. Was this just another diversionary tactic that the president has become known for? One must wonder if it was, as he suggested, to get congress to move away from impeachment. In the last year, the president has enabled the Turkish genocide of Kurds in northern Syria by moving US troops away from the Turkish border and now assassinated a foreign leader. There does not appear to be any long term foreign policy in this administration. There seems to be only a spur of the moment decision without any thought of consequences. I doubt if Congress will remove the president through the impeachment process. It is up to the American voter to hold the president responsible for his actions by removing him from office and trying him in the International Court of Justice, just as the Nazis were tried for their atrocities.

I apologize for going into politics again and against what I said I was going to write about. It is just that this issue is too important not to comment.

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