Thursday, January 16, 2020


It may seem strange, but I finally started looking at the weather before leaving home in the morning. Since it was 24 degrees with a projected high of 34 degrees, I wore my parka. I still did not change footwear, I wear sandals every day unless it is snowing. No socks. I think sandals with socks look strange. Kind of like the old men in New Jersey that wear shorts with black, knee-high socks. I really try to avoid making decisions in the morning, but now I have added an action that requires a decision. My alarm clock (my cell phone) is programmed for days that I have to teach. I wear jeans, take the Hawaiian shirt off the left end of the rack, clean ones go from the dryer to the right side of the rack. No decision required. Sandals (no socks), and I am ready to go; no decisions required. Anything that might have required a decision, like a lesson plan for class, is done the day before when I am wide awake and coherent. I even changed my routine from looking at the weather in the morning before leaving home to looking at the weather before bedtime and setting out the correct outerwear. Now no morning decisions. I think most people only can make a limited number of decisions in a day. The fewer minor decisions needed, the more that are available for things that might actually make a difference. You know those big important decisions, like what kind of beer to have with dinner.

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