Thursday, January 2, 2020

Best laid plans

Did you ever take a car in for service and have them tell you that the wait would be an hour? It sounds reasonable to me. And then if everything is true to form, it will take two to three hours for your routine oil change or tire rotation or whatever you went for. I did exactly that today. We had planned on the long wait and got there at 8:05 am. None of the places we were going opened until 10 am, so we were good with the usual waiting time. When we arrived, we were told that the wait would be at least an hour. We settled in the waiting room with our books and coffee, making ourselves comfortable. Imagine our surprise when 25 minutes later, we were told that the car was ready. It could not be so! Nothing opened for another hour and half. We drive almost an hour to get to the dealer from our small rural town in Texas. What were we going to do to kill the waiting time? Since we were going to Austin the next day, we decided to drive home. After stopping at the grocery store, we were home before 10 am. I am sure the service group was proud of themselves for the fast turn around, they had no way of knowing how they messed up our plans for the morning. Life is full of surprises.

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