Sunday, December 1, 2019

Long Day

Yesterday was a long day. I spent way too long driving from Brenham to Stillwater. Having to deal with the Thanksgiving traffic, I chose to drive on Saturday instead of Sunday with the belief that the traffic would be less on Saturday. My wife reminded me to go slow and with the flow. I promised to try. Reminds me of Yoda, “There is no try, just do.” The drive was normal until I got to Waco (pronounced wacko). There I got into I-35 traffic and there was a lot of traffic. As is often the case, the right-hand lane out of three was the fastest. I am not sure I understand that, but I have found that to be the case in many states, not just Texas. Traffic was heavy going into Fort Worth, but it was not bad. The express laves through Fort Worth are worth the toll. Then I got to Dennison, where I-35 East and West join back into one. That intersection was a mess, and for all the way to the Red River, it was go fast, then go slow for no apparent reason. You definitely needed to be aware and concentrate on driving. Unfortunately, many were not paying needed attention to driving and more to their smartphones. I was forced onto the shoulder twice by people changing lanes into the side of me. Honking results in a startled expression, “Oh, where did you come from.” Oklahoma was not much different. Waze directed me around a construction zone. I sat through three miles of stop and go traffic due to an accident. The accident was on the other side of the highway. My side was a gaper’s block. I finally got to OKC and through it without incident. From OKC to Guthrie, the traffic speed varied from 30 to 60 mph. There was no apparent reason for the variation or slow speed. When I finally left the Interstate highway, Traffic was just like a normal day, until I reached Stillwater. The OSU – Okstate game (known locally as Bedlam) had already started, and I had anticipated that traffic would be light. I had neglected to consider all of those that did not have tickets to the game but were there just to tailgate and had run out of beer. The traffic between the campus and the beer store was the worst. I was very happy to make it back to Stillwater for the last two weeks of the semester and in one piece. I do not want to know how bad the traffic was today (Sunday). This is my excuse for not posting yesterday, and I’m sticking with it. And on top of everything else, I did not call Candi when I got to Oklahoma, so now I am in that dog house. Hopefully, the Leonidas chocolates I ordered will get me a reprieve.

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