Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Having a Cold Sucks

Having a cold sucks on a variety of levels. If you say, I don’t feel well. And follow that with, I have a cold, you get no sympathy. Here take this or that cold medicine. Suck it up. It’s not fatal. Or in some cases, a sarcastic “poor baby.” Yes, you don’t sleep well. I slept on a recliner in the family room last night, so my better half could get a decent night’s sleep, undisturbed by my uncontrolled coughing and sneezing. It made me feel like a better person (I started to put hero here, but that is probably an overstatement.) My reward was the best biscuits and sausage gravy in the world, made by my dear wife. Who else puts a full pound of sausage in the gravy and just for the two of us!

I did manage to accomplish a few little things today in spite of my severe illness. I bought a new garbage disposal after wandering through Lowe’s forever. Who knew they were in the plumbing department? I didn’t, and like any self-respecting male did not ask. If Candi had not asked, I would probably still be at Lowe’s wandering around looking for them. We did stop and get more cold remedies, some real and some homeopathic. She believes in the latter.

Tomorrow is the deadline for getting Fall semester grades into the system. My grades were in for all classes last Thursday, and today is Tuesday. Hopefully, it is the end of requests for extra credit to get someone from 88% to 90%. I answered several of those today with the reply, “The semester is over. Take what you learned and apply it to future classes. The time to be concerned about your grade is at the beginning of the semester and not when it is over.” Will they? Some will and many won’t. Sad but true.

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