Friday, December 13, 2019

Dentist office

Last Friday evening, I had a crown come off. I pushed it back on, and it stayed, but I thought that I really needed to get it cemented or glued back on. Monday, I called a local dentist's office to get an appointment. She was in-network. I was told that it would be two weeks before they had an opening. I told them that if they could not get me in Tuesday or Thursday to forget it. The office called back later that day and had two openings. I took the one on Thursday, which was yesterday. They asked me to come 15 minutes early to complete their paperwork. I did and they called me in only 10 minutes after my appointment time. I was thinking that for a dentist they were sort of on time. The hygienist then did an around the head x-ray. We went into one of the treatment areas where she did two additional x-rays, one with the crown on and one with it off. The hygienist left and no one came back for an hour. Someone would occasionally pop their head in and apologize for the wait. The dentist finally showed up and commented that I was patient. It took about a minute to glue the crown back on, and then I bit down for three minutes. I guess that was for the glue to set. The dentist then scraped the excess glue off and left. The hygienist took another x-ray. She said it was to see if the crown was properly glued on. That made no sense. The low level x-rays the dentist’s office uses cannot see through the gold crown. After the hygienist left, no one came back. While I was there the room next to me had two people come and leave, before I was seen. After more than 10 minutes with no one returning, I took the bib off and gathered my book and walked out to the front desk. The people working at the desk, there were three of them, looked at me funny. I guess they are not used to people coming out unescorted. I told them that I had been abandoned. I thought I must be done and needed to pay them. One of the people asked over her microphone if anyone could tell her anything about me. The hygienist came out and said that there was more excess glue to scrape off. I told her I was done. When the hygienist tried to get me to come back, One of the other women there looked at her and said, “didn’t you hear him. He is done.” At least someone listened to me. It was strange that no one asked if I wanted to make an appointment to get my teeth cleaned since I was a new patient. I don't know how I would have replied to that question. I know that the office was busy, had a person out sick, and I heard that there was an emergency. However, these people really need to work on their communication skills. At least I found time to meditate yesterday.

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