Monday, December 9, 2019


Have you ever stopped to think about the people you have worked for, your boss? I have learned a lot from the really good bosses I have had. My current boss is outstanding; so outstanding that when he decides to retire, about half of my department will likely retire. Rick is our department chair. He said the other day that he was going to retire in eight years. Dave immediately said it was 6 for him. That would give him 20 years in the air force and 20 in academia. I am retired and teaching because I enjoy it. When it stops being fun, I am out of here.
I think I learned the most from the bosses I had that were not good. I had one that was retired in place and sent any problems to me. I complained to his boss and that went nowhere. I left shortly after. My next boss delegated everything. So he stayed out of my way, and I was able to accomplish a lot. My next boss was unethical and embezzled from the company. When it was reported, he got promoted. I learned a lot about what not to do as a leader from the poor bosses. It made me stop and think about the people working for me and how we can accomplish things cooperatively. I learned that people should have no more than four to five goals per year, and three is probably better. Any more than that and nothing will get accomplished. When I was a plant manager, every department had the same goals. We all succeed or fail together.

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