Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Unplugged Experiment Results

I did unplug for the weekend. I only used my smartphone for phone calls (except to text my wife for permission to call.) I did not count how many times I would find myself reaching for the device. During a commercial, or when I was bored, or just out of habit. I started getting up and moving or exercising instead of reaching for the smartphone. I realized it had become my primary source of news, and no one needs as much news/opinion as is out there. It is possible to overdose on the news. And we don’t need Twitter and the ridiculous things tweeted. Thank you, chief bully, in Washington!

As I got used to the idea of not using my smartphone, I found my self reading more. I started writing new ideas using a pen and paper! I even found time to meditate. It makes me wonder if our youth would be better off if they put away their smartphones and started engaging face-to-face with each other. Since I have 600+ students this semester, I am wondering how I could start an experiment with them? Can you give up your device for two days?

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