Friday, February 14, 2020

Device Addiction

Are you addicted to your smartphone? Can you put it down and not look at it for an hour? Two hours? 24 hours? Yes, I did not think you could do that. It means that you have become dependent on that smartphone. I am sorry to tell you that you are either an addict or on your way to becoming one. What would you miss if you did not look at it when the smartphone dinged with a notification? Would you have missed a tweet? Was it even directed to you or just something that was tweeted by someone you are following? We don’t email, but rather text. We expect an immediate answer to that text, while we are expecting a slower response to an email. We seem to have entered a world of instant gratification. I want it now!

I have a challenge for you. Unplug. Put away all your communication devices for 24 hours. I mean no phones, no tablets, no laptops, no computers. Can you do it? Try talking face-to-face with those around you. It might be a new or unremembered experience. What if you live by yourself? Can you keep yourself amused and busy for 24 hours? I wish you luck. I am unplugging until Monday. Today is Friday. Talk to you on Monday.

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