Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Healthcare cost

Do you wonder why the cost of medical care continues to rise at alarming rates? Why we hear about exorbitant bills for simple services? Why an EpiPen that costs about $400 for two, when the manufactured cost is less than two dollars? Why insulin costs five times more in the USA than in Canada? Have you ever heard of the Health Maintenance Organization Act of 1973 (HMOA)?

Prior to 1973, medical agencies, which include insurance companies, hospitals, doctors, and clinics, were service organizations and could not function as a for-profit business. The HMOA changed that and now, medical care is a for-profit business. It has led to continuing increasing costs and new intermediaries. These intermediaries include insurance companies, health maintenance organizations, prescription management companies, and this is just the tip of the iceberg. Multiple for-profit companies in healthcare increase our cost of healthcare. How can we correct this? It will be difficult. Repeal the HMOA? That will probably happen when pigs fly based on the lobbying power of these companies. Medicare for all? Will that really change anything? Medicare does not negotiate prices so they have little effect, much less than Medicaid. Move to another country? Maybe. The only thing that will change the current system from the damage caused by HMOA is a public outcry, term limits for politicians, removal of entrenched politicians. I am only one, but with help, we can change the world.

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