Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Helicopter Parents!

It has been an interesting week. I received a complaint that was sent from a state representative to the university provost, who sent it to the college dean, who sent it to my department chair, who sent it to me asking for information. I had given an exam. My classes have 100 to 200 hundred students. I require the students to show a picture ID and sign out after they complete the exam. The exam is on the learning management system and is available at class time. It is possible to take the exam and not be in class. It is also possible to have someone other than the student to take the exam and not be in class. This is the reason for the sign-out sheet and picture ID. After the exam, I review the sign-out sheet. Anyone taking the exam without signing the sheet has their grade changed to 0. I had a student that did not sign the sheet and took the exam. I changed the grade to 0. This happens every semester. Most of the time, they complain and then admit they were not in class and we go on. This semester, one of those students that did not sign the sheet contacted her state representative, who contacted the provost. There were multiple emails requesting information and explanations. The student came into my office hours yesterday. She was very upset and said that she forgot to sign out. I recognized her and knew that she took the exam in class. She was extremely embarrassed that her mother had escalated the issue to the state representative instead of letting her talk to me. It took several minutes for me to get her calmed down and stop crying. She left knowing that professors are not horrible and want students to succeed. I let my department chair know that the issue wad resolved that the real problem was a helicopter parent. Don’t be a helicopter parent!

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