Monday, November 18, 2019

More retirement thoughts

After I was downsized, I did some consulting. I realized to succeed as a consultant, I needed more education. I went back to school for an MBA at Texas Tech. After the MBA, I just kept going and got my Ph.D. in Management Information Systems. Teaching at the university level seemed like a good gig. A month off at Christmas, and Summers off. I am currently on my third university and have found a home. I am what is called Professor of Practice or the older term clinical faculty. That means no tenure, but little to no pressure to publish in high ranking journals. Yes, age discrimination is alive and well at the university level.
I teach three face-to-face classes and one online class. I worked with my colleagues to revise the curriculum, so it is relevant to our students. I have about 800 students this semester. My class is a core class, which means that all business students take it. Large sections make teaching more like performance art. I never thought I would like it, but I love it. It is very rewarding when students return, and thank you and tell you how much they use the things you taught them. Will I ever retire from teaching? If I do, it will be a move to a new career. I am thinking about travel writing. Or maybe teaching English in a foreign country (although some parts of this country could use an English teacher.) Or maybe flameworking glass. For me, there is no such thing as retirement, only career change.

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