Monday, November 25, 2019

Great Break

We are working to move everything out of the Ohana so that the contractor coming today will be able to visualize what he needs to do. There is a lot of stuff in the Ohana. I have wisely tried to stay out of the way and let my better half make all the decisions. Not an easy thing to do, but I mostly succeeded and only got yelled at a couple of times. Only a little more work to finish tomorrow. It was time for a reward, a trip to Blue Bell. Their triple chocolate is outstanding. It is not available in the grocery stores, only in ice cream parlors. Are there any of those left? It is available at Blue Bell in the tasting room. You cannot beat a cup of the best ice cream in the country for only $1. An older Blue Bell add said, “We eat all we can and sell the rest.” If you ever make it through Brenham, Blue Bell is a mandatory stop. I hope I do something good tomorrow to earn another trip to Blue Bell. Almost enough to be good until Christmas.

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