Friday, November 22, 2019

House impeachment inquiry

I normally try to stay away from politics, but with everything going on in Washington, it is difficult, especially with the degree of misinformation coming out of the representatives sitting on the Security Committee. What they are conducting is an inquiry. I would compare it to a grand jury investigation. Next, the committee needs to decide if they are going to write articles of impeachment. If they do, it then goes to the Judiciary Committee. They are free to drop the matter, or they can finalize the articles and send it to the House for a vote. If the house votes for the articles of impeachment, they go to the Senate for a trial. Hey, Jim Jordan, it is only at that time that there is a trial. This process is laid out in the Constitution of the United States of America. 

I do enjoy watching the late-night comedian-hosts comment on the day’s testimony. Jimmy Kimmel made a comment that made me think. He said something like the Republicans are going to have to decide if they are Republicans or Americans. If I were running for congress against an incumbent Republican that had voted against the articles of impeachment, I would be pounding him with that, over, and over, and over. It really seems like the Republicans are afraid of Trump and his base. Like they are afraid to have an independent thought. Which comes down to, the house will vote on the articles of impeachment along party lines and send them to the Senate. The Senate will vote against impeachment, again along party lines. Why did we send these people to Congress to do nothing? I think we should change all of them out, maybe for a group that will vote for term limits for Representatives and Senators.

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