Thursday, April 16, 2020

The stress of grocery shopping.

We went to the grocery store yesterday morning. We had our masks ready and hand sanitizer. When we got there a little after 7 am, the parking lot was surprisingly empty, as was the store. We were zipping along getting the necessities; yes, extra-bittersweet chocolate is a necessity. More and more people came into the store. Most, but not all, were wearing masks. Social distancing gradually became more and more difficult. Many people did not seem to understand the concept of social distancing, especially old people who are the most risk from Covid-19. Many aisles were blocked. It would really help if the aisles were one way. The employees pulling groceries for pickup did not help the situation. We did get the necessities that have been in short supply, such as TP, flour, paper towels, Community Coffe, and mascarpone. We checked out without a wait. Some checkout stations had three people in line, and the next one had no one. You can guess which line we did not stand in to wait for checking out. We were so happy to get out of the store and home. We used disinfecting wipes to wipe everything down before putting the groceries away. We were completely wiped out after the experience. Who knew that a trip to the grocery store could be so stressful?

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