Saturday, April 11, 2020

Keeping busy in the new reality of social distancing

My current efforts are on two fronts. The first is to complete the semester with all 600 of my students taking the class online. The second is starting a new business website for my academic editing efforts.

My students are doing very well with the change to online. The number of emails I receive daily is down to under ten per day. Some of the students have completed all of the semester’s assignments. The second exam opened yesterday, and they have until next Thursday to take the exam. If all of my students take the exam and do well, it will be a successful semester despite the challenge of moving online.

I have been creating content for my website. The website will promote my academic editing practice. I created a free article for people to download from the website; the free report gives the basics of academic writing, the common errors people make, and the solution to those errors. I have determined the basic structure of the website. I am now creating content to go into that structure. I created a form for people to fill out when requesting a quote for editing. I also have several former clients writing testimonials. The goal is to have the website live in early May. This is my fall back position if I leave teaching. More on that in May or June.

A third effort for later in the month is to create a website to highlight and sell Candi Glancy Artist’s paintings.

How are you keeping busy and safe?

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