Tuesday, March 3, 2020


The coronavirus has been occupying the news every day. The head of the World Health Organization is reporting daily on the global spread of the disease. The US President held a conference with “experts” and pharmaceutical companies. My university canceled Spring break trips to Italy and is requiring anyone returning to the university from another country is screened for the coronavirus.

From a non-medical perspective, this appears to be similar to the flu; and yes, people still die from the flu. Those at most risk appear to be those with compromised immune systems, mostly the elderly. Since the CDC just got test kits to hospitals, I don’t think there is any way to know the extent of the problem. I suspect that it is already in the US and likely in my university. I have observed that the number of cases of the flu has dramatically increased in the last few weeks. I expect that we will all catch the coronavirus in the next months. The reason for this conclusion is that the virus can be spread before any symptoms appear and the incubation time is somewhere between two and four weeks. The experts do not know the incubation time. Stay healthy and keep your immune system secure appears to be the best advice.

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