Thursday, March 18, 2010

Rewriting History

The winners of all wars have written the history of their glorious victories. The losers never write history, well almost never. The Germans are trying to rewrite the history of WW2 and leave out the part about what was done to the Jews. I wonder what will be written in history about Iraq, and Afghanistan. I hope to be around long enough to read about those as history instead of current events. But not only do winners write history.

In Texas the State Board of Education rewrites history. According to their view of "History", Cesar Chavez never existed. The constitutional separation of church and state has disappeared. I wonder where it went? Capitalism also disappeared only to be replaced by "free enterprise system". Thomas Jefferson was not a writer who inspired late eighteenth and nineteenth century revolutions. I wonder if the Board of Education has informed the French of this? The "christian right" in Texas has gone too far. Unfortunately, they are making our grand state a thing of ridicule by the rest of the world. My daughter was fed up with the lack of tolerance they constantly exhibit. She left and will never return. I too am leaving. Not because I am giving up the fight, but the Governor canceled all new faculty jobs at Texas Universities by cutting the budget for higher education. I go where the work is. It is poetic that Texas will have fewer faculty to educate students in colleges. With the rewriting of history by the State Board of Education, the students will have to relearn history and that will require more teachers. Unless, of course, the state rewrites history at the university level also. The "christian right" is rewriting history and trying to make the separation of church and state disappear. I fear they will try to make academic freedom of thought disappear. If that happens, I will not be lonely in being a former Texan. It makes me very sad.

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