Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Tired of Politics as Usual

I have gotten very tired of the Republican right thinking they have the only solution after turning the economy into chaos. The heads of the party fortunately agreed to not require a "purity pledge" from candidates. I used to think that I was a Republican. I think independent would be more accurate. I voted for Jimmy Carter (not a great choice), Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush (a pathetically poor choice in retrospect). Since the Republican party became the party of those that were conservative, "Christian", and refused to allow women free choice on abortion, I can no longer be an Independent, which has become a euphemism for a middle leaning Republican. I support President Obama. I am tired of KKK leaning email garbage accusing him of not being an American. I do not know if the efforts he has made to revive the economy will work, but I want him to have the chance to try.

My research is directed toward detecting financial reporting fraud. Guess what? It is still rampant. I cannot release any recent research because it needs to be in the hands of the Treasury. I have little confidence in the SEC's ability to regulate Wall Street. I do hope that the Obama administration will make an improvement. An improvement is a move toward control of the greed that is evident on Wall Street. I think this is a direct result and a legacy of the deregulation of the Bush administration.

If I have offended anyone, I suggest you take a long hard look at why you are offended. I do not apologize and have not been as strident in my expression as perhaps I wanted to be.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! A free thinker who is not afraid to voice his sane opinion! I am amazed at how the right-wing-wackos have conveniently forgotten how we got in this mess. Keep opining.
