Thursday, July 16, 2020

The Missing Month

I missed posting in the blog for almost a month. A lot went on in that month. I taught a summer class online that had 72 students. This led to many emails. I held online office hours using Microsoft Teams, which went well after I learned to use it. My TAs and I will keep office hours this way this fall. This fall, all of my classes will be online. I currently have 894 students enrolled in my four sections. I have a long list of things I need to do to get ready for Fall, which is really August. Besides updating some videos, I really need to find TAs. We have 18 assignments that are due in 12 weeks. Yes, that is 16,092 assignments to grade. We will also hold student meetings with company representatives through MS Teams. More on that later.

I decided to build an art glass studio. I will do flameworking, also called lampworking. The glass art is created using a torch powered by propane and oxygen. I will be concentrating on borosilicate glass (also called hard-glass with a COE of 32.) I will have the capability of creating glass art with soft-glass since I have glass rods and frit left from glass blowing. I purchased an 8 x 8 ft. Tuff Shed that is installed on the covered parking pad. Today the electrical is being installed. Then we have to wait for the city to connect the electricity. I have already ordered and received a holding kiln, a torch, several hundred pounds of borosilicate rod and tubing, a steel workbench, and a chair.

Yesterday, the oxygen generator arrived. I already have the cement board to go on the floor and some of the walls. My dear wife makes fun of me getting all of the equipment here before the building is ready. Oh well, we each do things in our own way. Tools are due tomorrow and the toolbox next week. Again, she is making fun of me getting supplies and materials delivered out of order. At least I have not ordered the kiln yet, but only because I did not want to have to move it more than once. That and the garage is really pretty full, waiting for the shop to be finished. After the electric is completed, I have to install the vent fan (yes, it is sitting in the garage), insulate (spray foam), and install the cement board. Then I will finally be ready to assemble the equipment and be prepared to work glass. I hope it happens before classes start.

I spent a lot of time last month researching what I needed to set up a glass studio. Also bought and read a couple of reference books. And watched several YouTube videos on flameworking. I have not been wasting my time during our self-quarantine. Pictures will be posted when the studio is complete.